How can we help?
Manage Subscription
Cancel Subscription Purchased with Apple ID
If you subscribed to the app with Apple ID, please follow these steps:
Go to your iPhone Settings
Tap on your Apple ID Profile
Tap on "Subscriptions
Select the Bloom subscription
Tap on "Cancel Subscription" to disable it from automatically renewing at the end of the billing cycle or 7- Day Trial.

Cancel Subscription Purchased from our website or by Credit Card
If you subscribed directly with us, please follow these steps:
Go to your Bloom app
Tap on Entries
Tap on Settings (upper right corner)
Go to Manage Subscription
You will find "To cancel your Bloom Subscription with Stripe, tap here"
Click on "Tap Here" and this will cancel your subscription.
If the link is not working or if the cancellation has failed, please email and we can help.
Bloom’s 30- Day Money-Back Guarantee
If you’re not entirely happy with your subscription with Bloom, we’re here to help. Bloom offers a very simple 30-day money-back guarantee for its subscribers. To get a refund under the 30-day policy:
1. Go to your Bloom app and then tap on Entries.
2. On the Entries page, tap on the Settings icon on the top right corner.
3. On the Settings Menu, tap on Manage Subscription.
4. Below the Manage Subscription page, tap on Request Refund button.
If you are requesting a refund past the 30-day policy, please follow the steps below. Our refund process depends on where you purchased your subscription.
If you purchased your subscription through our website, please contact us at, we’re happy assist.
iTunes App Store:
Apple handles all billing for in-app purchases made on iOS devices. Customers who subscribed to Bloom through iTunes will need to reach out to Apple directly with any refund requests. They are *typically* able to honor all refund requests within 60 days of the purchase date (but it's at their discretion). You can contact iTunes Customer Support directly at